Axe=Edit version


Don't know if this has been written up before, a quick search didn't show anything obvious.

It would be helpful if there was a small line of text in a corner or a Help > About that showed what version of Axe Edit I had installed, the reason being I just installed 3.0.10 and my pseudo self diagnosed OCD can't tell for sure if it actually installed .10 or what...
Want to get really OCD?

Clicking on the logo, the version says 3.00.10. The file is 3.0.10. (Head explodes)

Don't know if this has been written up before, a quick search didn't show anything obvious.

It would be helpful if there was a small line of text in a corner or a Help > About that showed what version of Axe Edit I had installed, the reason being I just installed 3.0.10 and my pseudo self diagnosed OCD can't tell for sure if it actually installed .10 or what...
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