New Member
Hey everyone. Tried a search and got frustrated not finding the answer, hence a new post. I run my AX8 into Logic Pro via a Scarlett 2i4 (1st gen) either w instrument cable or XLR (using "Line" and no phantom power) and lately after playing for a few mins the AX8 freezes (none of the footswitches work) and the tone immediately sounds like the guitar is running straight thru 2i4 into LP but with increased gain (breaks into distortion and not in a good way!). If I reboot the AX8, it functions again for a few minutes but soon stops functioning again. It seems the more intense I play the sooner it craps out on me. It only happens when using LP, and doesn't seem to make a difference if I have AX8 Edit running or not. If LP is closed, AX8 controls run fine and it holds all its settings for as long as I'm jamming. One final thing: AX8 software is up-to-date but the version LP I run is 10.0.1 which is prob about 7 years old, but I bought my Macbook used with it preloaded and I don't have the user account needed to upgrade it. Not sure if that makes a difference but if it does I suppose I can find another DAW or pay to upgrade LP (I'm quite comfortable with it and don't really feel like learning something else).
Thanks in advance!
Thanks in advance!