AmpliTube 5


Being a plugin junkie, and having purchased and liking the the Brian May and Rockman models in Amplitube4, my ears perked up on this announcement.
For those who love working ITB....this looks very impressive and will appeal to a lot of people IMHO.

Personally, I love my outboard gear and need another plugin like I need a hole in the head.

But whichever route one chooses, we're all on the road to nowhere! :)
Of course! - didn't post this to suggest anyone give up their Axefx for Amplitube - Lol! (I certainly won't) - Just an interesting new product release in the ampsim realm

I know,!, I should have expanded more but it was late when I posted and barely awake

Thanks for posting
I have A4 with some marschall amps and this quiet good with nice cab setting features allowing to sculpt the tone. The result is pleasant. Nothing to compare with AFX3, but a nice plugin for training/recording mockup, etc.
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