All the metal heads who forgot was a riff/song is....

I read an interview from these guys a couple months back. They were really trashing modern metal music - particularly djent - and declared that "The Riff" is dead. Now I might agree that the majority of djent is kind of generic and stale, but so was thrash metal in the early 90's etc. It's still a bit entertaining to see that after all this great talk of reviving metal, they're offering essentially a repackaged Heartwork.

Oh, and "The Riff" is doing quite fine, thank you! Here are some reasons why:

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It's still a bit entertaining to see that after all this great talk of reviving metal, they're offering essentially a repackaged Heartwork.

After listening to it a few times it feels like a Heartwork B-side disc. Its still a good album but it doesn't have the instant catchiness of Heartwork.

Also Protest the Hero FTW!
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