20-tap delay?

the megatap delay will give you 20 taps...tried it?

Actually, no... because I've never tried to use it before. lol ;)

Is there a preset on the Axe, that has the megatap delay that you recommend? Or are there basic settings that you recommend using to get it's intended use?
I dont know what your intended use is, so it's hard to say. All the parameters are explained in the manual. Take a look and have a play around with it!
This is what I heard, and I'm curious about:

From HRI: "One cool thing is the SE70 preset used on the swells... it's a 20 tap delay where each tap moves further and further to the right, starting hard left on the first tap. It also goes faster and faster so it's a bitch to play with.. if you make one little noise thingie like string scratch or static noise and the take is ruined. But if you succeed with clean swells the result is pretty cool."

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