2 cab blocks - series vs parallel


Fractal Fanatic
brown is 1x12 Black
blue is 1x10 Gold


1x12 Black + 1x10 Gold

brown is 1x12 Black + 1x10 Gold parallel
blue is 1x12 Black + 1x10 Gold in series


while the parallel mix produces a 'softer' average, the in series mix is more 'extreme', but still perfectly useable, at least in this case (try it with the Brownface sim).
it still kinda puzzles me how different the parallel and series setups are...
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Don, from your example, I take it that using cabs with different characteristics together can help get a fuller tone, even when they are used in series (which we have often been advised to steer clear from, because this can muddy the tone).

I guess that the muddy tone comes when using cabs with similar characteristics in series? Not asking for a new frequency analysis or anything, just opinions.
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I ran across a post a few weeks ago suggesting that a 1x12 Black and a 1x10 Gold make a nice combination. Indeed they do, and I'm now using that combination a lot.

It's great to see their collective responses posted. Thanks for pulling this together Don!

Don, from your example, I take it that using cabs with different characteristics together can help get a fuller tone, even when they are used in series (which we have often been advised to steer clear from, because this can muddy the tone).

I guess that the muddy tone comes when using cabs with similar characteristics in series? Not asking for a new frequency analysis or anything, just opinions.

not sure what to think about this myself - I know I like what happens if you put the two cab IRs mentioned in series, but it probably could also go horribly 'wrong', especially if, like you mentioned, the dips and peaks are repeated in both cab IRs.
I also might have unintentionally smoothed the series and parallel graphs (there is a 'smoothing' parameter in the analyser) before I took the screenshots - ah well, it's late I need some sleep...
Ahem. What's the difference in the way these 2 signal chains would look like in axe edit?

series is when you put the cabs next to each other on the same row. The signal goes through the first cab and then through the second cab.

parallel is when the dry signal is split before the cabs (i.e. the cabs are on different rows), and the dry signal goes through each cab separately.
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When mixing IR's on the Redwires site and say you mixed 2 cabs together at equal value to make a single IR to put in a cab, isn't that the same as running 2 cabs in series?
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