13 - There is Superstition, or is there?


So one can only (Stevie) wonder and begs the question... will there be a 13 or will we go straight to 14 firmware ?

It may seem funny and out right silly, but there are even some well known "enterprise" companies have opted to skip version 13 for obvious superstitious reasons. In fact, even many buildings in New York City (elsewhere I'm sure) have no 13th floor.

We're on the cusp, I guess we'll see soon enough. ...or maybe this is the perfect segue to Ax FX III?

It's just a number...

What's the worst that could happen..?
I have AxeFX 2 since fw10. every new version destroyed my strict thoughts that supported analogue against digital till death.
I guess whatever fw13 will have, it will destroy this superstition among AF2 users :)
I hardly believe anyone who makes the worlds most advanced guitar product would believe in that nonsense haha.
Seems if we skip everything associated with 13 there would be quite a gap missing !!! Bring it on!!!!!! Superstition is a superstition!!! Don't believe in it!
Often, skipping the number 13 has nothing to do with a company's superstition, and everything to do with customer superstition.
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