12 external controllers


Fractal Fanatic
I was squirreling around in the parameters and noticed the list showed 24 modifiers or controllers? And I think Axe-Edit shows 24 in the controllers view.

I thought there were only 12 (midi CC16 - CC27)

What's the deal?
The Control: Modifiers page shows modifiers assigned in the preset. It's not a list of the 12 Ext Ctrls. For example, you could assign one Ext Ctrl (or any other source) to 24 different parameters.
The 12 ext ctrls are 12 slots where you can import values from outside the unit via midi.
You send a midi cc message with a value and it gets saved in that ext ctrl slot and remains there until you send something different or turn off the axe-fx. The stored values survive preset changes, so you can use it to modify values that should be the same in different presets and should be available at once when you call up a preset.
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