
  1. Guitarjon

    Progressive metal with FW10.01 and the upcoming OH 412 FMAN

    Hi all, Loving the new firmare so I made a full song demo. I'm using my new Pink Ibanez Prestige RGT320Z, KILLER guitar! The amp model is the USA Lead IIC++ which is often very good for tight metal crunch tones. For the cab part I'm using one of the 6 speakers from the upcoming OwnHammer 412...
  2. Guitarjon

    Axe FX amp model comparisons Vol.1: Mesa Boogie MK series (video inside)

    Hi guys, I thought it would be fun to make a new video series for my Sonic Drive Studio's YouTube channel in which we compare Axe FX amp models of similar voicing. Now, these comparisons aren't meant to be very scientific but they'll give you a good idea of the similarities and differences...
  3. Guitarjon

    New video for the new METALLICA MKIIC++ amp model in Q3.03! YEAAHHH

    Yes folks, you read that right! There is a new firmware coming soon and it features a new amp from and for Metallica. It's the new USA IIC++ amp model. At this point it isn't clear what this amp model is based on by I suspect that Cliff modeled one of their actual amps. So it could possibly be...
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