fm3 turbo

  1. timdeltoro

    FM3 Looper Issue

    Anyone else have a slight glitch in the Looper on the FM3? I don’t have this issue on the FM9 or Axe FXIII. I’m wondering if there’s a fix or if the “powers that be” are working on an update? BTW, all are Turbos. Thanks!!
  2. L

    FM3 Mk II Turbo Latency

    Hello, Is it normal for a 2 second delay to occur from one preset to another on my new FM3 Mk II Turbo when using the footswtiches? I just updated firmware but it did the same before. I'm using headphiones with a simple connection from guitar to unit. Any settings I should adjust to prevent...
  3. Roby Rocks

    Bug? FM3-Edit fw7.00: CPU meter freezes

    Hi! I have this question about CPU usage..... I already own AxeFx3mk2, FM9 Turbo and this doensn't happen with them. I use FM3 mkII Turbo with the latest firmware 7.00 and latest Editor FM3-Edit 1.06.04... This is about CPU usage.... Watch the video and notice: the CPU change ONLY when I add...
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