80's clean

  1. Mark Pritchard

    80's Clean Tones Preset

    Hi all, here is a preset for 80's clean tones which is just a dripping wet tone for all those 80's hits. I originally downloaded this preset from @Jason Scott, i added a cab that he put up for a more recent preset and created some scenes. I hope you dont mind @Jason Scott 😊 Here are a few riffs...
  2. Andrea Maccianti


    For lovers of legendary Def Leppard, the patch for Ax-Fx2 and AX8 already converted and ready to use. Has 4 Scenes + Two of my own Custom Cabs.
  3. Andrea Maccianti

    Legacy AXEFX2/AX8 SOLDANO X88+PEAVEY 5150 80's

    The "A.M. 80's Landau/Huff" has 4 Scenes. One of my own CUSTOM IR included.
  4. 2112

    80's Clean Preset

    My take on an 80's style sparkly clean sound. Guitar in the demo was a PRS Custom 24 with the coil tap engaged. It's set up for use in mono with a feed to FOH and the fx loop going to an amp/cab. Preset http://axechange.fractalaudio.com/detail.php?preset=5164
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