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  1. R

    FM3 Now Shipping

    You're sittin' real pretty, son.
  2. R

    Axe-Fx III wait list: Let us know when you get notified...

    How long currently is Fractal's lag time between order-time and shipping-time for the Axe FX III? In other words, if I order an Axe FX III today, how long approximately would it be before it would physically leave the Fractal warehouse and be in the courier's hands on the way to me? Same day...
  3. R

    Fixed 48k Sample Rate Impedes Recording Studio Integrations

    Topping out at 48k was the norm in pro studio gear until about maybe 15 years ago when 96k slowly became a studio standard as well. But these devices had both 44k and 48k usually and that is the point. The problem is not sound quality issues where 48 vs 96 makes the gear pro or not, it's that...
  4. R

    Fixed 48k Sample Rate Impedes Recording Studio Integrations

    However, this is all off-topic. The fixed 48k sample rate still impedes digital workflow integrations in the Axe Fx for many pro users who do not want any additional digital>analog>digital round trips for whatever reason, be it sound-related or workflow-related. Ultimately, we know that the...
  5. R

    Fixed 48k Sample Rate Impedes Recording Studio Integrations

    •••OT••• Hi Chris, no don't worry, I knew your question was a question. I could talk for hours on this, but because it’s mostly OT IMHO, I will keep it as short as I can. I would generally say most people somehow involved with frequently intently “listening to sound” can tell the difference...
  6. R

    Fixed 48k Sample Rate Impedes Recording Studio Integrations

    It's all relative and also depending on the context. Is there a substantial difference between Amplitube and Axe Fx? Those with ears who can hear and who are going for that certain tone...HUGE...nearly night and day! Most of the general public...tiny, if any, difference at all. If definition...
  7. R

    Fixed 48k Sample Rate Impedes Recording Studio Integrations

    OT-I've seen this misunderstanding a few times in this forum. The Axe Fx's XLR balanced analog outs are at +4 level and would normally be fed directly (or via patchbay) into the AD converter, not into a mic preamp. The only time you would run these +4 outs into an isolated mic pre is for more...
  8. R

    Fixed 48k Sample Rate Impedes Recording Studio Integrations

    I think that Christmas should be moved to February 25th. I honestly do. December stands on its own as a cool and gorgeous late-autumn month. February is dead, boring and absolutely miserable in every other way and could use the pepping up and excitement. Plus, Dec 25 is probably not Christ's...
  9. R

    Fixed 48k Sample Rate Impedes Recording Studio Integrations

    Yes, 95-99% of Axe II users have no or just one other piece of digital gear to sample rate sync to...their audio interface in their basement, bedroom, etc and all audio sessions self-originate so they can be 48k as well. In these cases it's easy just to move all digital gear and audio sessions...
  10. R

    Is the Axe-Fx III well suited for two guitars at the same time?

    Studio kats run two guitars through the Axe 2 all the time because it's so many leagues above any and all software amp simulation plugins in feel, touch, musicality and in tone.
  11. R

    Fixed 48k Sample Rate Impedes Recording Studio Integrations

    Dear FAS, Word is that the Axe-Fx III is fixed at 48k again. First, can you confirm this? Second, if true, do you have any plans to go adjustable-sample-rate (44k, 48k, 88k, 96k) with future Axe III hardware or firmware updates? When you combine digital outboard gear in the recording studio...
  12. R

    What is the base sampling rate?

    Maybe I missed it, but do we have official word on the Axe Fx III's sample rate? Is it variable or set at the (major PITA for recording studio integration) 48k again?
  13. R

    So What's New on the III? ...(Axe-Fx II vs III)

    Is the Axe FX 3 still restricted to operating at 48k? Earlier Axe's 48k was just a naive choice that let to A LOT of PITA situations in recording, not knowing that 44k was the music studio session standard and 48k was the standard in video.
  14. R

    So What's New on the III? ...(Axe-Fx II vs III)

    Used in what capacity?
  15. R

    Presenting... The Axe-Fx III

    Still 48k? That is a heck of a good question. 48k was a PITA for us studio guys.
  16. R

    So What's New on the III? ...(Axe-Fx II vs III)

    I'll take her if she's one of those rich grandmas who love to spoil me...with Axe FX IIIs, IV's and V's and set up recording studios and stud-pads in NYC, London and the Alps for the grandkids.
  17. R

    So What's New on the III? ...(Axe-Fx II vs III)

    So far what sticks out to me as MOST impacting overall are: -huge leap in CPU mojo to allow more powerful algorithms (better, more complex tones and more room to expand and create new features.) -much more I/O allowing this to be used as your main DAW interface for one thing. (I assume this...
  18. R

    Presenting... The Axe-Fx III

    Looks amazin' on first glance of specs. You got the powahhh!
  19. R

    Axe-Fx STILL at Heavy Discount. How Does this Not Indicate New Axe 3?

    Yup...Axe III just announced ...1/29/18. It's lookin so bad-ass!
  20. R


    Not April fool's day as far as I know.
  21. R

    Axe-Fx STILL at Heavy Discount. How Does this Not Indicate New Axe 3?

    How Does this Not Indicate New Axe? -FAS might be trying to quickly raise some extra bucks for whatever. -$1799 might just be the regular new price to complete with the new competition.
  22. R

    Axe-Fx STILL at Heavy Discount. How Does this Not Indicate New Axe 3?

    Thanks for the helpful info. Will you be releasing a new Axe FX model within the next month?
  23. R

    Axe-Fx STILL at Heavy Discount. How Does this Not Indicate New Axe 3?

    I've been on all the forums too long. If I had a Axe FX for every time a scolding/mocking post poured water all over a hot thread, stopping it dead in it's tracks... Anyway, what I take from all of this is that no one has a clue if there's a new Axe-FX coming out.
  24. R

    Axe-Fx STILL at Heavy Discount. How Does this Not Indicate New Axe 3?

    As one of the early diehard Axe advocates, used to spend my life in here and in other forums '09-'12 preaching on the Axe. Then life kicked my &%$# and I have been totally MIA since '12. Now I want back in... and BAD!!!!!! So have you all see anything like this sale on the Axe-Fx II XL+ for...
  25. R

    Does anyone know when the $2,600 units will be back in stock?

    I think the $2600 has an amazing gizmo called "Instant Gratification." Unfortunately, this part seems to wear out the fastest. The $2199 model is the price if you go on the waiting list and $2600 is the Buy It Now price.
  26. R

    Rethink, Rework, Reboot. Building a preset - JCM800 - Major Twist for ANY Preset

    Did you move on to a better/different patch preset working methodology? I thought this preset technique was central to your sound-getting and patch making on the Axe, so how could you go without an Axe 2 version of the patch template for so long? (I said, not trying to be a wise-guy!) I'm...
  27. R

    Rethink, Rework, Reboot. Building a preset - JCM800 - Major Twist for ANY Preset

    Did you ever redo this patch concept specifically for the AxeII and post your fab prefab presets like you did at the start of this thread?
  28. R

    Bug? Mac USB Issues

    Yes, that's what I do, reamp. When the analog hits the MBox 3 Pro interface, it gets sent to the Axe 2 via spdif while simultaneously the guitar also gets tracked into Pro Tools clean, pre-Axe2. To reamp, send the recorded clean track out to the Axe2 again, with the Axe usually on diff...
  29. R

    Bug? Mac USB Issues

    If/when USB does finally work on my MacBook or on another one of my Macs, the Pro Tools session must use aggregate IO as the interface selection when using the Axe II in USB audio mode. Here's why: -can't use primary interface output as session output because you many need to reamp your...
  30. R

    Bug? Mac USB Issues

    I'm posting to this thread because I know a lot of Mac users are having trouble from reading the many threads on these issues. I've done a lot of testing because being a studio owner, I need to capture the very best sound possible out of the Axe FX II. Quickly summarizing highlights of some of...
  31. R

    My Sound Quality Axe-FX II Testing Results

    When I play, fan noise becomes almost irrelevant, I like medium rock volumes. Some tests resulted in strong differences, others surprising little difference. Tests 1-3 in the small room should be taken with a grain of salt. Even if they are accurate or not, what does it matter to the vast...
  32. R

    My Sound Quality Axe-FX II Testing Results

    Tests #1-3 were relatively quickie tests performed just by myself last week. Test #4 consisted of two years of everyday experience with an Ultra, a Standard and a II with 10+ different engineers. No tricks/placebos were knew instantly which was which. With any digital sound...
  33. R

    My Sound Quality Axe-FX II Testing Results

    I am working in a small song writing studio this month. I am recording final tracks on an album, so I did a couple hours of sound quality testing and this is what I found... (To preface my results, "sound quality" is in the ear of the beholder and is OPINION, not fact. Also, we all may be...
  34. R

    What Happened To Hip-Hop/Rap Music?

    Giving a Grammy for today's mainstream hip-hop is par for the course. Getting a Grammy in most cases means you make average music. The Grammy board seems eternally lost. Would the most talented and creative greats like Pagey ever get a nod from the Grammys? Hell no. Grammy=cheesy music 90%...
  35. R

    Legacy Having unpredictable latency issue with Logic, Apogee Duet, and AXE USB - any ideas?

    Yes, toggling the buffer settings or the DAW interface selection can, best case, fix these weird sounds with certain setup permutations, and worst case, "fix" the AXE II noise problems for 30 seconds or so.
  36. R

    Legacy Having unpredictable latency issue with Logic, Apogee Duet, and AXE USB - any ideas?

    I get these degenerative delays constantly when using USB AXE II in. They come at the same time as the snap crack pop and then degenerate to horrible noise, two second delay and then no sound...restart time. I think mine is the same driver problem that many Mac users are having.
  37. R

    Need to address USB issues on Mac w/PT!!!

    Hey, my first non-praising AXE FX post ever....The USB is a mess in AXE FX II with Mac. This should be fix #1, not firmware 4.01 or 5. It's not fair and it's been going on too long. We use many USB audio interfaces on our Mac which work just fine, so it's not Apple. I get clicks, pops and...
  38. R

    Axe FX II First Impressions - HUGE Improvements Over Ultra

    Don't have any more spare time today after six hours with the Axe FX II, but... -sound is notably richer, creamier and more harmonically complex than Ultra. Feedback is even better. Electric "pick click" attack (think Jimmy Page) is enhanced. -the long synthy, "programmed" patches on the Axe...
  39. R

    Analog vs. USB recording in Axe fx II!

    Thanks bkrumme. Mind you, file #3 is louder which alters our perception. For the most accurate and informative listening test, bkrumme could lower file #3 to match and then repost it or each listener could volume match ourselves. If you use Quicktime, there is a trick which is not widely...
  40. R

    Analog vs. USB recording in Axe fx II!

    Reminds me of when I was a naive recording engineer in my first year. I was on the forums b*tchin' every week that my digital synth didn't have digital outs and that made no sense. "Why go through D>A and then A>D again in the DAW when we should be able to go right into the DAW digitally...
  41. R

    Analog vs. USB recording in Axe fx II!

    When recording instruments like electric guitars that tend to have harsh frequencies at times, signal degradation can be the recording engineers best friend. Further, signal degradation can be the whole vibe of a smash hit like the Strokes or Phil Specter's wall of sound. What kind of tone do...
  42. R

    Axe-Fx II Technical Questions Thread

    an awesome awesome read...if you've got the time
  43. R

    Axe-Fx II Technical Questions Thread

    Using the Axe-Fx II as a USB audio interface, you can record a dry signal simultaneously with the stereo or mono processed signal into your DAW for reamping later. Can you also do that when you don't connect the Axe-Fx through USB, but run the analog outputs into your audio interface? Send a...
  44. R

    Use Direct Box or Not?

    Degradation is good then because all 10 engineers in my studio prefer to record the analog outs over recording the spdif out. Why? Our ears aren't used to hearing pure digital guitar yet. We need the softening degradation of d>a and then a>d again using top converters in all cases. The...
  45. R

    UPS Insurance Claim, advice please :(

    Never expect concern for the safely of your shipments with these couriers. Expect the worst treatment. I was inside the massive UPS depot in NYC once. Horror. What I witnessed was about 12 huge dump trucks in a row with hundreds of boxes in each. There was a conveyer belt dropping boxes from...
  46. R

    UPS Insurance Claim, advice please :(

    I concur and find USPS is unusable at a professional level. It is simply the worst service provider I have ever dealt with in any country. USPS is strictly for $6 plastic junk off ebay, no more can be trusted in their hands. I find myself in a state of shock whenever cheap-ass boneheads use...
  47. R

    To anyone else who also just received their Axe-Fx II ... how is your fan noise?

    Your recording tells gives us zero information about how loud your fan is, it just tells us what it sounds like tone-wise. We would need to hear a recording of your Axe II fan and then compare it to a recording if an Ultra in the EXACT same position, same mic gain, same mic angle, etc etc to be...
  48. R

    Two Great Articles on Fractals, Cliff and The Techmology

    If you all want to take a break from your page refreshin', Pepsi drinkin', micro and script programmin' all nighters, here's some interesting reading: Interview: Cliff Chase from Fractal Audio Fractal Audio's Real-time Guitar Pre-amp Is Routable and Programmable with...
  49. R

    The "Official" unofficial Axe Fx II US Purchase Availability Thread

    I bought an Axe FX Standard today and painted a white "II" after "Axe FX"
  50. R

    428pm 6/16 more axe IIs

    please delete...
  51. R

    6/16 - Refreshathon (availability update)

    As with any technical endeavor, "it's all in the technique." Once they get their groove on, they'll double-time it. And remember, Cliff promised that QC was #1, so they'll be very rightfully cautions and slow at first. If I was doing it, I would keep my assembly crew small at first to keep a...
  52. R

    6/16 I Was SOOO Fast But Didn't Get One 2:05pm

    I typed soooo fast! And congrats to Thursday's winners!
  53. R

    6/16 - Refreshathon (availability update)

    Do you mind listing reversed like this? Do you think it's easier to see? 6/16 - None for sale as of 1:00pm EST. No new updates from FAS. 6/15 - None for sale. No new updates from FAS. 6/14 - For sale ~2:15PM EST, sold out in 90 second, unknown qty. FAS said units would be added daily.
  54. R

    6/16 - Refreshathon (availability update)

    So far in over 1000 posts, yours are the most helpful or8ital. Keep this thread going. Much appreciated.
  55. R

    Need advice on setting up a home DAW system

    Consider too the 27". When I suggest that to my non-music friends, they stare at me like I am a wild-eyed sociopath. The 27" is a lot. It's a screen with tiny detail the size of a wall poster, but the name of the game in DAWs is real estate, baby, real estate. The big ergonomic screen helps...
  56. R

    Need advice on setting up a home DAW system

    Not if you use VIs virtual instrument plugins or amp sims. Just four of those can wipe out a dual core with other plugins If you want to use a lot of VIs with a lightly powered computer, than you should look for a DAW with "freeze track." Look it up:) +1000 A buggy driver is going to ruin...
  57. R

    Need advice on setting up a home DAW system

    You may be trouble then, there is no DAW more intuitive for 90% of newcomers than Pro Tools. With any powerful program, there is a worthwhile learning curve. We're not dealing with a toy iPad here. If you get a Mac, then Garage band is very simple to use as well obviously and I think it's...
  58. R

    Take Your Shoes Off and Get Your Banjos-Long Hot Summer a Comin'

    That's the image I had in my head exactly.
  59. R

    It has begun

    A more exact link When is Axe-FX II shipping? - The Gear Page
  60. R

    It has begun

    Noooo. They should take care of the recording studio first. That's where they'll get used all day and then get on the radio.
  61. R

    Take Your Shoes Off and Get Your Banjos-Long Hot Summer a Comin'

    Sold out in 1 1/2 minutes today. Man, this is going to be one loooong sloooow summer and there's only one cure for these summertime blues. Summertime, And the livin' is easy Fish are jumpin' And the cotton is high Your daddy's rich And your mamma's good lookin' So hush little baby Don't you...
  62. R

    Honored to be the proud owner of the very 1st production Axe Fx II!!!!

    First of all, I apologize to solo act. For never having met him, I was a tad bit too aggressive in condemning his post. I could have left out a line, maybe two. I was new to this thread and I was in a state of shock. It's most peoples belief that you just don't even go there discuss such...
  63. R

    Honored to be the proud owner of the very 1st production Axe Fx II!!!!

    Solo-act, you're out of line. Did you get fired or divorced today? I've read upwards of 50,000 post in my day and this is one of the most uncalled for and mean-spirited attacks I've ever seen. Judging danacabral's financial success in life in public? For no reason other than extreme envy...
  64. R

    Cliff, Chillax. PLEASE Do Not Rush the Axe FX II-(build them well, test them long)

    Cliff, Chillaxo. PLEASE Do Not Rush the Axe FX II (build them well, test them long) Hi Cliff and Fractal Audio, I hope that I speak for nearly everybody, but we want you to build these carefully, slowly, properly and well and any other adverb along those lines. 99% of us can wait another...
  65. R

    AFX2 As Interface for Mic Preamp?

    No, I recommend the $4000 vintage one. It darkens a bit more.
  66. R

    AFX2 As Interface for Mic Preamp?

    To be clear, the Axe FX II is not a mic pre-amp. In other words, you shouldn't plug a regular studio mic directly into it. You need to get a Neve 1073 preamp or (use any other mic preamp:) and take the balanced +4dB line level output from that preamp and run it into the balanced +4 inputs on...
  67. R

    NY(J) Amp Show

    'Twas a pleasure to meet you Cliff.
  68. R

    Does the Axe-FX II mean no more audio interfaces / preamps?

    Yes, amongst other things. In the world of recording, it allows: perform once, change the sound an infinite number of times.
  69. R

    Does the Axe-FX II mean no more audio interfaces / preamps?

    Comparable is the recently released line of (expensive though) quad processor unibody MacBook Pros with Thunderbolt. Thunderbolt is daisy chain-able. It is like a mini PCI slot from a desktop computer and will soon have adaptors and interfaces that do anything you want...just like PCI cards...
  70. R

    Does the Axe-FX II mean no more audio interfaces / preamps?

    As an industrial designer and mechanical engineer, I think about these things way too much. People are very different. As I see it, to PC friends, the computer is more of a tool I sense. To Mac people, it's the virtual world where we literally exist within 80 hours a week often. The...
  71. R

    Does the Axe-FX II mean no more audio interfaces / preamps?

    Exact same with you like driving a Mercedes all day..every day...or a pickup truck? More Americans go with the 33% cheaper and 200% more flexible pickup. I don't want to drive that pickup...ever.
  72. R

    Does the Axe-FX II mean no more audio interfaces / preamps?

    For Those on a Budget, There's But One Computer Choice Now - iMac Quad Core- Starting at $1199 That's FOUR Intels, a big beautiful screen and OSX (the main feature.) ...or cheaper still, wait a few months for the exact same, a refurb at $1019 or so. You've then got your ports covered. It has...
  73. R

    Does the Axe-FX II mean no more audio interfaces / preamps?

    +1. There's real reasons why a Mac is the nerve center of essentially 100% of commercial music studios.
  74. R

    Does the Axe-FX II mean no more audio interfaces / preamps?

    What about when you record that amp speaker vs Axe FX recordings. Do you still prefer the tube amp? Often a loud live tube amp grinding in the corner of a room will sound cooler than the AXE FX through your monitor speakers...but will that live cabinet still sound better through the mic...
  75. R

    Does the Axe-FX II mean no more audio interfaces / preamps?

    If you want to capture the truest picture of what the Axe FX is communicating, use the digital outs into the computer. However, as you've said, most engineers have found the SPDIF outs to simply sound "wrong" still to our ears at this early stage of digital amp modeling. Maybe it's an inferior...
  76. R

    Does the Axe-FX II mean no more audio interfaces / preamps?

    I don't know the FF800, but if you can use "direct monitoring" with the SPDIF, bypassing the in and out of the DAW, then there will be no delay. With the Axe USB, then you must go: Axe II >USB>computer>Fireface 800>your monitor speakers. There will be latency any time you have to go in and...
  77. R

    Does the Axe-FX II mean no more audio interfaces / preamps?

    It would be a race. Axe II >USB>computer>DAW input vs Axe II >SPDIF>Fireface 800>Firewire>computer>DAW input
  78. R

    Does the Axe-FX II mean no more audio interfaces / preamps?

    I don't know Sonar, but with most DAWs... YES, THAT IS THE IDEA! It will work. Axe II >USB>computer>DAW input>Daw output>Fireface 800>your monitor speakers. There will be some latency before the sound re-emerges through your speaker monitors. Will it be more or less latency than running the...
  79. R

    Does the Axe-FX II mean no more audio interfaces / preamps?

    That's why I cling to the Axe FX ... for the first time since Les Paul took us electric, we can go BIGGER, BADDER, MORE BEAUTIFUL AND BREAK BOUNDARIES. I am searching for this new sound that in many ways is better than any tube amp and speaker. The Axe FX is the only thing I've found on earth...
  80. R

    Does the Axe-FX II mean no more audio interfaces / preamps?

    Well, I wish that was true. I'm an Axe FX forum fighter over at, the huge recording forum. They're engineers and some players over there and I stand with a handful of others fighting the hordes of Axe FX haters and doubters. It's not like here at cushy cushy ","...
  81. R

    Does the Axe-FX II mean no more audio interfaces / preamps?

    One of my points that I am clearly stating (and sometimes being misunderstood) is that if, and only if, your goal is fool all people into thinking this is a real tube amp, you cannot record the Axe FX Standard or Ultra unaltered direct because it sounds too flawless still. Maybe the v12, Axe II...
  82. R

    Does the Axe-FX II mean no more audio interfaces / preamps?

    Selling the Axe FX in the recording studio has proven to be a very tough sell over and over, especially with the "older" guitar players. They come in, our engineers recommend the Axe, they say "no thanks" 90% of the time. They're so jaded by so many previous boxes that promised to deliver a...
  83. R

    Does the Axe-FX II mean no more audio interfaces / preamps?

    Yes, and so would every professional recording engineer if the goal is to fool the listener and/or to get a traditional sound. You gonna go "fix" the Motown sound?
  84. R

    Does the Axe-FX II mean no more audio interfaces / preamps?

    THIS IS THE BIGGEST FAULT WITH THE AXE FX, IT'S TOO PERFECTLY DIGITAL TO PERFECTLY SIMULATE AMPS. Fractal needs to add some chaos algorithms to the AXE III. If your goal is to fool people on your recordings that they're actually listening to a real amp, then you shouldn't use the USB amped...
  85. R

    Manual of AXE FX II

    manual bump
  86. R

    Help Fill My 10 Slots With Red Wirez -Hard Rock to Clean

    Anybody wanna type in five words each?
  87. R

    Help Fill My 10 Slots With Red Wirez -Hard Rock to Clean

    This week I got my second Axe and it's time to fill 'em both up for the first time. I want to fill the 10 IR slots up with a 10 IR starter basket... all from Red Wirez to start getting into repeat customer discount land. I'd like the best 60's and 70's IR to range from hard classic rock like...
  88. R

    Will AxeFX improve my quality of life?

    Yes, your life will improve. You can't wait to wake up at 5am to rage on your Axe everyday all day long until 3am! Also, It is NO DIFFERENT than having 40 amp heads, 40 speaker cabs and 400 effects boxes, all turned on and warmed up , with a programmed patchbay in front of you to switch these...
  89. R

    Will AxeFX improve my quality of life?

    Yes, your life will improve. You can't wait to wake up at 5am to rage on your Axe everyday all day long until 3am! Also, It is NO DIFFERENT than having 40 amp heads, 40 speaker cabs and 400 effects boxes, all turned on and warmed up , with a programmable patchbay in front of you to switch...
  90. R

    Tube and SS poweramp differences?

    Guess you're not an Ampeg SVT + 8x10 bass player.
  91. R

    Tube and SS poweramp differences?

    My personal experience is that tube power amps, as a whole (as in not all) tend to have less brittle, sharp. as a group, they tend to be a bit more organic and compressy...less hard sounding. Most of these are adjectives desirable to eliminate in guitar tracks. If I was seeking a loud FRFR, I...
  92. R

    Amps- Bedroom / Recording Low Wattage Tube Power Amplifiers

    Weak! Sometimes, but the Emery Amps you can put any output tube into and switch to another every minute. A small power amp in a bedroom in essence is set up for the same reason as an Axe FX>Power amp>speaker on stage? What's the difference besides the wattage? please explain. Do you think...
  93. R

    Axe-Fx - Ultimate Low Volume Solution?

    Bullseye. You're smart. Thanks.
  94. R

    Axe-Fx - Ultimate Low Volume Solution?

    Here's another related thread I think: Bedroom / Recording Low Wattage Tube Power Amplifiers
  95. R

    Amps- Bedroom / Recording Low Wattage Tube Power Amplifiers

    Ok, there's the VHT 2/90/2 and the 2502 and Randall's RT2/50 etc etc etc. But what about affordable low wattage (1-20 watt) power tube amplifiers to use after the Axe FX? I record a lot in my bedroom and need something like I just described. I already own the venerable...
  96. R

    Midi Request For Feeding Synths

    +1 This is my number #1 feature request.
  97. R

    MIDI note out?

    +1 This is my number #1 feature request, by miles.
  98. R

    Axe-Fx as MIDI Source

    THE BIGGEST HUGEST NUMBER +11111111 FROM ME. This is my #1 request and will be until it's done. It makes sense. The Ultra can obviously track guitar notes and convert them to synth very quickly, faster than any axon box i've ever owned. I would pay an additional $1000 for this feature.
  99. R

    Led Zep Jimmy Page live sound

    Do you remember where that article was? Thanks.
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