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  1. T

    AxePad and FW8.01a? Working? Usable?

    I reinstalled the program. All is working Great! Thanks!!! Nice App. Gives me somewhat of a tweaking pedal feel. Digging it! Great for on the fly small tweaks!
  2. T

    AxePad and FW8.01a? Working? Usable?

    I didn't have the USB cable plugged in. I'll have time to mess with it tonight. Are there any settings on the axe that might help?
  3. T

    AxePad and FW8.01a? Working? Usable?

    Axe pad not working as it should! Axe Fx II Firmware 7.00 iPad 2 IRig midi Crashes Axe Fx, crashes iPad, no effects, can only at times select presets then doesn't save them or saves them under the wrong name. Tuner turns on in axe fx but not displayed in axe pad. Am I missing something? Bought...
  4. T

    Legacy New Axe FX II recording

    Thanks for the Reply!!
  5. T

    Legacy New Axe FX II recording

    Does anyone have problems uploading songs to sound cloud? Getting random glitches at start of track.
  6. T

    Legacy New Axe FX II recording

    also having problems with sound cloud glitching in the beginning. It's done it on MP3, Wave files. Random spots each time. Anyone else encounter this?
  7. T

    Legacy New Axe FX II recording

    Tracked this one wet. No post effects added on guitar. This was the ice breaker track on recording project that was started. There will be many more! Didn't beat it to death with production. Left the mistakes or as I like to call them nuances! Stand Mix 12 -1.0 Ceiling by John Goraj Jr on...
  8. T

    amp stand for axe fx II?

    This looks like it could be promising! Maybe take of the top frame and use nylon straps to secure the rack case?
  9. T

    amp stand for axe fx II?

    I use an ultimate keyboard stand and raise the height till it's not too wide for the rack. As you raise the stand, being an X pattern, the top gets wider. So there is a happy medium to accommodate the rack. I've also been toying around with the idea of screwing a monitor base in the center of...
  10. T

    Dragianni - having fun with flute patch on my Ultra baby :)

    All I can say is "WOW"!!! I checked out more of your You Tube offerings. You Sir are an InCrEdIBLe GuiTaRiSt!!!
  11. T

    Yeks preset collection and sound samples (Ultra)

    Flanger Tooooo Cooooool. I just realized your playing Saturday Night from Herman Brood!!! Haven't heard that song since the early 80's!!!
  12. T

    Another lengthy instrumental

    Dug It!!! ;)
  13. T

    Firmware Version 10.03 Up

    Loving the update!!! Had to re tweak here and there but the tweaks seam more resposive where they should be. Haven't messed with the higher gain stuff but my HBE patch was growling when it should with touch responsive feedback and gain. Still working out the presence and depth which are much...
  14. T

    Firmware Version 10.03 Up

    I'm fortunate to be able to experiment as I'm not gigging at this time. I do have about 15 solid patches that might need tweaking but I find I tweak when I'm messing around anyway so no biggie!! Not a metal head here but I do enjoy a high gain lead tone. Looking forward to the update and...
  15. T

    Portable (relatively small ) monitor / clean headroom?

    I think you've answered your own question! :D
  16. T

    Setting up Filter blocks as Boosts - Cool and Useful Tips

    Re: Setting up Filter blocks as Boosts - Cool and Useful Tip Thanks Matt for that global boost post!!!! It does what I need and I don't need to put a filter in all my patches!!! :D I'm running my boost levels at 108 off to 127 on. There is a more noticeable boost that way. Great tip!!!!
  17. T

    MFC101 on its way! (arrived)

    Re: MFC101 on its way! Mine arrives today!!! :D Sadly I won't be able to play for the next two weeks because I accidentally drove the tip of a drill through my fret hand ring finger tip!!! I can feel my heart beat in my finger tip now!!! So I'll just set it up and wait to heal. The last time I...
  18. T

    Van Halen "BEAT IT" solo

    I had read that Eddy tracked that solo direct through a boss ds-1 into the mixing console. It doesn't sound anything like his normal miked brown sound of that era. I'd try not using an amp block.
  19. T

    MFC101 on its way! (arrived)

    Re: MFC101 on its way! Just pulled the trigger today!!! :D Don't want to wait anymore considering I got on the list 4/24/10. My Behringer with the Uno chip just isn't cutting it!!!!
  20. T

    Show us your MFC setups! (post your pics)

    Re: Show us your MFC Setups! ( Post your pix! ) I fell for that Hook Line and Sinker!!! Secret weapon my A##!!! I googled it to find out it was just a cool spacer!!! Wish they still sold them!!
  21. T

    3 times same song - different amps

    Strike what I just said!!! I can't give an honest opinion about any of the tones. I like them all!
  22. T

    3 times same song - different amps

    I dig them all but I love the Shiver version. Your nuances are more defined and you can tell how much effort your putting into the tune!!!
  23. T

    Marsha HBE Funk Jam

    Dig it!!!!! We need more Funk on here! Whether it be hybrid or traditional! I caught a slight Beck vibe on this which is a compliment!
  24. T

    Got my MFC 101!

    Tooo Funny Larry!!!!
  25. T

    MFC 101 update ?

    I have a Nova System for sale if your interested!!!
  26. T

    Where are you on the Fractal waiting list?? Who's on first?

    Re: Where are you on the Fractal waiting list?? Who's on fi Confirmed 5/24/10 Had I known. I would have gotten on the waiting list with out even owning an Axe!!
  27. T

    Does Axe-Fx has the note bloom of a tube amp?

    Could be your ears changing or your strings condition.
  28. T

    Totally Floored by The Ultra!

    I'm not going to go in to depth. This is hands down the best Guitar Move I've ever made! Totally Floored by the versatility and depth! :D
  29. T

    Clark Kent: Mark IV Idiocracy

    For what it's worth I preferred #1.
  30. T


    A Big Thank You to You Voes!!!! I used your Axe template. Dropped into the FCB through sNoize! This is the perfect solution till I get my hands on the Fractal controller (Whenever that is). Learning more and more everyday thanks to contributors like yourself! Peace, John (aka Tubescorcher)
  31. T

    Octavarium solo

    Excellent! Top end means treble. Mids are in the middle and bottom end is where the Bass lies! Low, Mid, High
  32. T

    Beethoven with Les Paul

    I hope you slept well after that! Nicely done!
  33. T

    "Forever" - all axe-fx, all the time

    Nice recording, playing, and Vocals!!
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