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  1. gitfruit

    Is the Matrix GT1000FX still the best Solid State guitar power amp in 2023?

    FWIW, I contacted Matrix UK in June and didn´t receive any answer. They didn´t have any PA amps for sale for at least two years now.
  2. gitfruit

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 27.00 Public Beta #8

    So its Sirmware SaturQuackDay, right?
  3. gitfruit

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 27.00 Public Beta #2

    Maybe because there is no FAS Stealth Blue IRL ?
  4. gitfruit

    NGD! - EVH

    AFAIK the D-tuna doesn´t work with a floating trem
  5. gitfruit

    A bit of a disasturous first gig with the FM9

    definitely bump your output level to +4 dB
  6. gitfruit

    New Fractal product coming!!

    i would be interested in a FAS adaptive SIZE T-Shirt
  7. gitfruit

    What do you use for a backup for a gig

    FM9T as backup for the III at big gigs, FM3 as backup for the FM9T at smaller gigs. FM3 serves as desktop unit at home and for jam sessions. That being said, I never needed a backup since gigging with Fractal units for 15 years.
  8. gitfruit

    FM3 USB Serial Driver v1.13 (Win10/11 Only)

    Love the typo in the headline :p I never used my FM3 on widows though...might have to try it...
  9. gitfruit

    atomic neo no sound

    exactly my experience years ago... added a question mark to the quote therefore!
  10. gitfruit

    Getting new Fender this week but,?

    to me the neck feels "fuller" at the first frets like C-shape, towards 12th fret it gets flatter on the backside but the "shoulders" stay the same, like a flat D
  11. gitfruit

    Getting new Fender this week but,?

    Can´t stand to have the guitar up there...see what I did there? ;)
  12. gitfruit

    Getting new Fender this week but,?

    Don´t know if the neck is similar, but I bought an Ultra Luxe Strat in November, and I´m struggling with the neck profile. The shoulders (is that the right word?) at the upper frets are too fat for my short thumb. It´s ok when I´m sitting while playing, but when I´m standing it doesn´t fit me...
  13. gitfruit

    FW26-Thread Guitar Pic Appreciation Society

    is it just me or are pics loading very slowly on this forum lately?
  14. gitfruit

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.04 Release

    I used the virtual capo recently at a gig where I wanted to play one song tuned down one half step. Yes there were artefacts and lag, but not so much to make me bring another guitar for one song, and I believe nobody in the audience noticed it. As our bass player always says: good enough for Folk!
  15. gitfruit

    Gotoh Locking Saddles

    probably too expensive since I´m in Europe. I will post photos when I´m finished drilling new holes :oops: if this ends in a terrible mess I can still buy something new...
  16. gitfruit

    Gotoh Locking Saddles

    will do that after I have ruined the OG trem :p
  17. gitfruit

    Gotoh Locking Saddles

    good idea! Will think about it...since it is not a vintage guitar, why not? And a lot easier to accomplish than drilling holes in those tiny blocks
  18. gitfruit

    Gotoh Locking Saddles

    I installed the other gold set on my Blues Hawk, and there they are working perfectly. Before that, it did go out of tune in the middle of the first song, so practically unusable. Probably the reason why I got it for cheap...I already installed Gotoh locking tuners before which helped, but now...
  19. gitfruit

    Gotoh Locking Saddles

    Gotoh LS are three different sizes, all have the screw in the middle. Will have to find a workshop that can drill new threads off center. Or try it myself, but I don´t have proper tools for that finicky task
  20. gitfruit

    Help - my Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 audio interface just died

    I recorded some guitar tracks on my Focusrite 18i20 at home, then went to the rehearsal studio to do some double tracking through my RME Babyface FS...and all of the RME tracks somehow sounded better, I guess it is related to the better clock the RME has. RME might be pretty expensive in Canada...
  21. gitfruit

    Gotoh Locking Saddles

    Be aware that your old saddles might have the screw not in the center but to the side...found this out the hard way with my Ultra Luxe Strat
  22. gitfruit

    76 Uxbridge Rd. Free Plexi Patch for FW 25.04

    @Burgs presets are the rare ones that work for me without heavy tweaking, thanks a lot!
  23. gitfruit

    What guitar cable do you use?

    I use a Vovox cable, and yes it was expensive (like 100 Euros) when I bought it 20 years ago! I used it on countless gigs and rehearsals and it still works perfectly. Get your flamethrowers ready now...I had a Monster cable that was garbage ´though expensive and countless El Cheapo cables before...
  24. gitfruit

    Gotoh Locking Saddles

    I ordered two sets at as suggested by @secondwindow, they had both in stock, gold and chrome. Shipping to Europe is pretty expensive, but Thomann Germany told me it would take at least 10 months.
  25. gitfruit

    Small FRFR again?

    Can´t beat GRGuitar carbon cabs for the weight. I have two of these, super-light and plenty loud. for small gigs one these should be enough:
  26. gitfruit

    Gotoh Locking Saddles

    it shows the available colours
  27. gitfruit

    Gotoh Locking Saddles
  28. gitfruit

    PC Daw dead RIP -Worst timing for this

    As I wrote, I tried every suggested key, none of them did anything. So seems related to bluetooth keyboard not working at boot up.
  29. gitfruit

    PC Daw dead RIP -Worst timing for this

    I have the same issue here, almost the same setup but older machine, Asus board, same OS. I do not see UEFI settings under Advanced options and tried holding down every possible key while booting. Only way to access BIOS is to remove the boot drive. Didn´t know bluetooth keyboard doesn´t work at...
  30. gitfruit

    Gotoh Locking Saddles

    Wilkinson offers these thingies in chrome finish only, while Gotoh offers 4 colours, e.g. gold etc.
  31. gitfruit

    So, forget the ES-xxx journey for now

    Mine doesn´t have a trem
  32. gitfruit

    So, forget the ES-xxx journey for now

    Thanks! I don´t have an issue like yours, but I´m in the market for a semi-acoustic too. I have a Gibson Blues Hawk that I love the sound of but it goes out of tune easily. I put locking tuners on it, but still...will try these Gotoh locking saddles on it next.
  33. gitfruit

    So, forget the ES-xxx journey for now

    I really hope this works out well for you this time. Seems like we´re kinda in the same boat...
  34. gitfruit

    Plectrum, lets get picky

    Dunlop Big Stubby 3.0 mm. Thread should get moved to the lounge.
  35. gitfruit


    I feel like its the neck I´m not comfortable with. Maybe I should have bought a LP with a 60s neck, they are slimmer I believe. But I´m no LP expert at all. I thought I had to have a LP because a couple of my favorite guitarists play LPs and I like the sound of it, but not when I play it. Seems...
  36. gitfruit


    FWIW, I put Aldrich PUs in my R9 because I didn´t like the Custombuckers. I have the Aldrichs in another guitar, a custombuilt superstrat where I love them. But, they didn´t work for me in the Les Paul. So I put the Custombuckers back in. I guess it is the guitar that doesn´t work for me, I´m...
  37. gitfruit

    Free Windows program to slow down audio?

    I have Amazing Slow Downer too which I used a lot in the past, but it´s not free I believe.
  38. gitfruit

    Free Windows program to slow down audio?

    Riffstation. Don´t know if it´s still available, but I have the installation file.
  39. gitfruit

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Public Beta (Cygnus X-3)

    I am somewhat confused why The Man himself discusses this topic on TGF and not here on the homebase.
  40. gitfruit

    Fender FR-12 preamp mod : The Hissterectomy

    I am tempted to buy two of these V2s although I don´t own a FR 10 or FR 12...but just in case... ;)
  41. gitfruit


    +1 on Aldrich also
  42. gitfruit

    FM9 Firmware Version 6.00 public beta (2)

    that´s why I update to beta 2
  43. gitfruit

    First Fractal - FM9 would work, but temped to go for flagship

    another vote for the III. It will always receive Cliff´s newest epiphanies first. I own or owned almost all the iterations of Fractal products. FM3 is sitting on the desk in my homeoffice for a quick jam, FM9 is more or less collecting dust under the desk, too bulky for desktop use. I used it on...
  44. gitfruit

    Atomic CLR Neo speaker

    this is the speaker in the non-NEO version
  45. gitfruit

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.03 Release

    Try adjusting contrast, had the same thing happening many FWs ago
  46. gitfruit

    Computer shuts off ethernet when slept

    Don´t trust speedtests
  47. gitfruit

    Fender FR-12 preamp mod : The Hissterectomy

    I´m not in the market for any FR at all, but this thread is raising GAS in me...
  48. gitfruit

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.02 Beta #1

    Firmware Friday strikes again! Merry Christmas to everybody!
  49. gitfruit

    Genre snobbery? rant warning lol

    SRV was hated by the traditional blues crowd when he started playing his own original stuff, not doing covers. Only after the success of his first album they could accept the new stuff...
  50. gitfruit

    Matrix Power Amp on fire at gig

    I am after Matrix UK ´cause I wanted to buy a 4-channel poweramp for my PA, but no stock since two years (I guess), conversation is very aahh, slow...looking for other options, reminds me a lot of Atomic
  51. gitfruit

    Love these Ladies

    I´ve seen them every time (3 times that is) they played in my hometown, thanks to @Stratman68, and I think they are great and still improving
  52. gitfruit

    Thoughts about Gr Guitar AT G210A ST

    I never said the GRs sounded bad, just not as good as the CLRs that are on par with my Adam studio monitors. Never heard the new Fenders, would be interesting to compare. But I´m done with buying FRFR monitors, I own 3 pairs now...doesn´t get better than CLRs.
  53. gitfruit

    Thoughts about Gr Guitar AT G210A ST

    You´re welcome. Main point for me getting these was the almost laughable weight for gigging, the audio quality is good enough as a backline. CLRs are more satisfying for home or studio use, I even used them for a rough mix at the rehearsal studio and it translated very well to my home studio...
  54. gitfruit

    Thoughts about Gr Guitar AT G210A ST

    I have low cut at 80 Hz and high cut somewhere between 7 and 8 kHz. I believe it feels more like a guitar cab, regardless if it´s the GR or CLR. As I wrote already, the high end of the GRs is not very pleasing to my ear. The portion of frequencies above 7-8 kHz does nothing for me in a guitar...
  55. gitfruit

    Thoughts about Gr Guitar AT G210A ST

    I have two CLRs, so it is stereo. Although I don´t really use stereo effects
  56. gitfruit

    Thoughts about Gr Guitar AT G210A ST

    I´ve had my two G210A´s for one year now and don´t regret the purchase. Gigged them a couple times and am super-happy with how lightweight they are. Soundwise as stated they are not as good as my CLRs, I wouldn´t tweak my presets through the G210As because the high-end is not as accurate and...
  57. gitfruit

    Download stuck.

    Also had to quit update and restart 3 times until it completed. Windows 10 Pro.
  58. gitfruit

    FM3 vs Quad Cortex

    I think the main downside of the FM3 is you can´t run 2 amp blocks in parallel (somebody correct me if this has changed since the Turbo). And it only has 3 knobs. If you need more you have to buy a FC6 or whatever. I´m a Fractal guy since 2009 so I´m certainly biased. Nonetheless I bought one of...
  59. gitfruit

    NGD, Merry Christmas To Me

    Thomann in Europe only offers the 2-tone-burst...would love this red plasma burst!
  60. gitfruit

    What was your 1st amp?

    Ibanez GX20 solid state...sounded like crap. Enough to drive my family mad. One day I blew the overdrive channel...I think they were thankful...
  61. gitfruit

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 23.00 Release

    FWIW, my units (AXE III, FM9, FM3) ALL refresh automatically, even with beetas. Maybe I´m just a lucky bastard?
  62. gitfruit

    Status of Matrix Amps?

    I wonder how a company can survive if they have no products to sell for such a long period...?? I´m in the market for a PA power amp (Matrix UK), but still no stock since at least 18 months. Will probably buy something else.
  63. gitfruit

    DynaCab Pack Limited Public Beta

    Same here, Studio One 6.5, didn´t find the plug-in. Your workaround made it, well, work, thanks a lot!
  64. gitfruit

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 23.00 Public Beta #1

    I didn´t adjust anything (I´m lazy, too) and it just sounds better. Others have reported they had to raise treble.
  65. gitfruit

    AES - Axe FX output to RME UFX II not working

    I had an UFX years ago and know nothing about MADI, but maybe try checking the "word clock in" box in input options?
  66. gitfruit

    Thoughts About User Experience

  67. gitfruit

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 23.00 Public Beta #1

    Installed the new FW right before rehearsal today without testing or tweaking anything: this triode thingy is really something, everything sounds better! Sweeter highs, low single note runs have a twangy character to them even with high gain, more clarity...fantastic. There were a lot of FW...
  68. gitfruit

    Show us the Quilts!

    this one left me puzzled... ;)
  69. gitfruit

    Again- what's Cliff doing now?

    Silence usually indicates something big is in the making
  70. gitfruit

    Is a Gibson Custom Shop '64 SG Standard, USED, 2022 worth $4k?

    For reference, today I´ve seen a ´63 CS for 3k, 2020 IIRC.
  71. gitfruit

    Am I crazy to go back to Ax8?

    I still have my trusted AX8 next to all other FAS devices, I am hesitant to sell it. Yes the newer devices sound better, but in a live application I doubt that anyone in the audience will hear a difference or even care.
  72. gitfruit

    Who uses Ultra High or High on Reverb LIVE?

    Ultra because I can. I only use a few % mix level so nobody will hear it but it makes me feel better ;)
  73. gitfruit

    FM3 Firmware Version 7.00 beta 3

    I think there´s a bug with the 6160 amp block. A couple of users reported freezing when using it.
  74. gitfruit

    Mac Alternative - ASUS ROG Strix!

    +1 on ASUS ROG. I have an ancient G71V that is still going strong. I replaced the HDDs for SSDs that made it 10 times faster, but I didn´t have any problems recording a full drum kit (12 mics or so + MIDI) while running a dozen playback tracks at the same time before that. The fan did start...
  75. gitfruit

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 22.01 Release

    Firmware Fursday?
  76. gitfruit

    Protective Cover for CLR NEO MKII in Europe? try this, I can´t comment on quality since I bought mine at Studio Slips USA
  77. gitfruit

    Curious which sounds Best to You?

    Close call between the Fralins...I think I´d prefer the Blues Specials
  78. gitfruit

    Xitone still in business?

    My bet: I hear ya´ knockin´...
  79. gitfruit

    Talk me out of (or into) buying a Strandberg Guitar

    thanks, that´s what I´m looking for. I could fit a set of Suhr Aldrich HBs in there, not sure what would match as middle SC
  80. gitfruit

    Talk me out of (or into) buying a Strandberg Guitar

    Slightly OT: are the newish Steinberger GT-Pros any good? I read the PUps are crap
  81. gitfruit

    Build me a hypothetical PC - sway me to the dark side

    they did fly to the moon with much least they said they did ;)
  82. gitfruit

    Meeting The Master - Greta Van Fleet

    I owned a CD years ago with LZs 20 Greatest Hits, all rip-offs of other musicians/bands, published as LZ originals Edit: what I was trying to say: on this CD were the real originals that LZ had stolen
  83. gitfruit

    Meeting The Master - Greta Van Fleet

    yeah Greta´s got that Led Zep-sound down but not the quality of the songs. I saw them live once, was already bored mid-show and left earlier which I seldom do...
  84. gitfruit

    Thoughts about Gr Guitar AT G210A ST

    I recently gigged my now 2 GR210As and am still very pleased. The ultralight weight is really comfortable when you have to carry your gear yourself! Makes a big difference for me and my old back. Soundwise my CLRs sound better and have a wider spread, but the GRs are good enough for me as a...
  85. gitfruit

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 22.00 Public Beta (Beta 6)

    is it possible to mix DynaCabs and Legacy cabs? i.e. have a DynaCab in slot 1 and a Legacy cab in slot 2 ? I´m not at my unit until Wednesday so can´t check it out myself
  86. gitfruit


    I recently went so far and gigged with my AxeFX3T and FC12 Mk II...definitely the use case I bought the FM9T for...
  87. gitfruit

    The Rack is complete

    The fridge is back! ;)
  88. gitfruit

    Whats Cliff doing now?

    He is adjusting the clock while standing on the toilet
  89. gitfruit

    How far ahead is the III of the II these days?

    I have had almost all iterations of the AxeFX over the years, still have the AX8 and all the newer units. Back when we were recording our last CD I had the II and was already sold on the Plexi 50 W Hi model, but I wasn´t totally pleased. So I had Victor Mason build a Mojave Scorpion for me which...
  90. gitfruit

    A better Wah

    IIRC correctly yes, the Fat control adds up to 50% of the dry signal. Should be the same as running the dry signal in parallel?
  91. gitfruit

    A better Wah

    I think it sounds thin compared to a real wah. I played with all the settings and I have the Fat control all the way up, but still...
  92. gitfruit

    What is the deal with FRFR cab makers?

    I have 2 of the 2x12" GRs carbon. While they are not exactly FRFR, more like a guitar cab, esp. when standing off axis, I like to use them stacked as backline, nice natural feedback. At the rehearsal room combined with 2 CLRs on stands. Next gig I will do with the GRs only, will see how that...
  93. gitfruit

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.04

    Double Firmware Friday here we go
  94. gitfruit

    Axe-FX III with Real cab vs. the Real thing

    Hypex poweramps are in the CLRs
  95. gitfruit

    Gibson les Paul 50’s wiring and ground issues (solved)

    +1 on Aldrich PUs...I have them in my #1 superstrat for years, end of search! I recently put a set in my LP, but still not bonding with the LP...i guess I´m a strat much as I love LP tones. BTW my superstrat has a mahogany body...;)
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