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  • Hey there, I have one of your IR's in my Helix that I use for everything, it's the VH-X-Fremen-MA-CS1960TV-mi.. pretty sure it came in one of your packs that I bought a while back (but I can't remember which one)! I would really like to use that same IR in my FM3, is it possible - is there a Fractal version of that IR and where would I be able to get it please?

    Many Thanks!
    Hi There,
    I have been typing comments on your youtube videos with no avail and not even thinking this is on the forum... but anyways....i need your pink floyd pack but i am not aware if it is updated with 12.14 update....please help. Thanks in advance!!
    Hello, it is updated to 12.05, so it will work with 12.14 without any problem !
    Hi .
    I would to know one thing please.
    I buy the preset for axe fx xl plus 128 presets and like to know when I got that presets on my mail?
    Thanks a lot.
    when you buy the presets you get your download link right away
    Hello! Saw your Quantum 10 video. Love that TDR's looper preset. Is it for sale or free? Could you share it? Please let me know.

    kind regards,
    Hi -- new AX8 user here. I read somewhere that you converted the AXE FX presets to AX8 .... where can I buy those?
    Hi Fremen,

    My name is Marius and I just purchase the AX8 and would like to buy your presets pack for AX8 Quantum and I am wondering what I should do first? Pay at the paypal and then you will send me a link or something else. Please advice:

    My email address is

    Kind regards,

    Fremen! Thanks a million for the presets. They sound amazing. I'm currently on tour w/ Justin Bieber and looking to switch from a regular amp setup to using my AX8 only. I'm totally new to this side as I've only used real amps and pedals, and I'm having a hard time getting sounds out of all the presets. I purchased your full pack, but I don't own cab lab or anything. How can I make sure all the presets are working?
    hello , im Tiberiu from romania , i have one week to ax8 fractal and i don t like the factory presets and its no easy to work , you have so good presets , i wanna buy it , can i?
    Fremen, Do you just have the 2 packs of presets for AXE FX? The acoustic and 5 scene. ....Would like to get the 5 scene presets you accept Visa ?
    Hello fremen. I purchased your presets. Just like to say they are great. I just purchased a Line 6 JTV-59 Variax. I want to create a simple preset for the acoustic 6 & 12 string models. Was wondering if you could give a little advice on what to start with. I would like to keep it very basic. Just not sure where to start. Thanks in advance.
    Hello ! In the Axe-Fx my very first rpeset is for the variax acoustic sounds. It's like the acoustic sim preset but with a flatter EQ
    I did not know if you knew this but the noise gate settings are all off in the XL+ preset bank A
    Hello Fremen.
    I´m from Spain, I have axe 2. I see your videos on youtube and really like them. It´s posible that you will send your banks, are the best sounds I've heard the axe.
    My mail:
    Hello Fremen,

    Je te connais bien plus que tu me connais, étant un lecteur assidu du forum Axe et Axe II, dont tu es une référence, tant en pertinence qu'en ouverture d'esprit.
    Je vais comme tous les autres (rançon de la gloire ;-)) de demander si par hasard tu avais toujours des presets de l'axe avec un firmware 11.0, car je viens juste de flasher mon Standard.

    Et je me permets également (ouah le fou !) de demander un avis avisé :

    Je joue sur un Std avec un baffle Bogner 2X12 oversized en V30, motorisé par un VHT BB bien connu. Le passage à l'axe 2 me tente pas mal pour la partie USB, réglage direct mais question récurrente : l'amélioration de son justifie-t-elle l'upgrade ?

    merci pour tout et je te souhaite une excellente et belle journée sur ton ile !

    Taz Devil
    hello fremen
    my name is johny dee from germany. i see your preset work and videos on you- tube and i really really like them. i performe as a musician live ( guitar and vocals ). i got my axe fx 2 in march. hope you can help me out cause i am useless with computers and i would like to ask you if it is possible to get your presets from 5.07. I wish I could give you something in return but have no idea what??!!! maybe i can help you if you ever come to europe that we arrange some gigs to play together. I live near cologne wish is one of the citys with lots of music and performance. we can play together and have a good time. ore you suggest what i can give you in return. my e-mail : hope to hear from you and keep your wonderfull playing for all of the fans of good music. Regards Johny dee OUTSIDER
    Hello fremen, i´m from Spain, I had your standard presets, and now i have axe 2. It´s posible that you will send your banks, are the best sounds I've heard the axe.
    My mail is
    Thanks, Thanks, Thanks
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