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  • Hello. My names Terry Burford, player in Arkansas. I have no idea how to program heel/toe exp-001 w/ the meloaudio midi commander. Any help would be appreciated. Best.
    Best bet is to post a thread rather than a profile post. I don't have a MelAudio so I won't be much help.
    Hello, I have midi guitar 2 and fractal fx8. I am wondering how to blend the two. Any advice on what you have found would be appreciated. I have a mini computer with MG2 on it and an audio interface but as you said in your post, not sure how to integrate it into a patch. Thanks, Randy Chiurazzi email address rcreationsongs@gmail.com
    Best bet is to post a thread rather than a profile post.

    I've not really used MG2 on a computer. I have used it on an iPad and an iPad interface that allows me to route the guitar out to and in from that as needed. However, that's with an Axe Fx III. I don't have any FX-8 experience.
    Randy Chiurazzi
    Thanks for your time. That is helpful. Randy
    Hi this is Tim, (Toowoombaus) I met you on Reverb. Well I got aAxe FXii, and made my first post in the review section for the Axe FXii
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    Reactions: unix-guy
    Cool... I'll check it out once I get a few minutes free!
    Hello again...I have the instructions for the pedal...it's so hard to understand....can you please help me ? 705 323 3910..my number..thank you so much...if possible...I appreciate the time...
    Any Idea where I can find and B3 organ patch? Alla "Blue Collar Man"?? Thank you very much!
    I would suggest you post a thread on the appropriate forum for your device (Axe Fx III, Axe Fx II, AX8) asking the same question.

    I've seen a few organ patches... Not sure a B3 can be done, but who knows?
    Hey Unix-Guy, This is Randy, you bought a Xitone wedge or two from me a few years back. I'm selling my AxeFx2 XLand wondered if I could mention that you'd vouch for me being legit? Anyway, I know it's been awhile so if you aren't comfortable with it I understand, but if you don't mind, then I'll go ahead and mention it in the listing. Thx
    Hi, okay cool. I haven't gotten a III yet but I've started thinking about it after reading some posts about the difference from a II. I got the AX8 a while back to use for church and am still using it. It works fine and fit's in a backpack so it's pretty handy. But if the III sounds as good as I've read I may have to start using it.
    I'm really liking mine!
    Ah, you replied to my 4 sale ad before I could edit the post! thx so much.
    I think I'm going to have to get a 3. I'm getting GAS again, lol.
    Hi . Can you tell how I put more presets in my mfc101 mark 3 . In preset 384 stop and when I increase goes again to preset 1. Any chance to go to preset 385 and so on to the final of ace fx 2 xl plus?
    Thank you Unix-guy.
    It's not possible. The MFC only supports 384 presets.

    I'm not sure if there is a way to access presets above 384, but you should post to the MFC forum. You'll probably get a better answer!
    Thank you...just put my presets were i can move ... ;)
    That's what I think most do.
    Hi. Tell me more about what happens when you run the EZ drummer as a stand alone...
    It just doesn't work. I am not able to play a loop, for example. The play button just doesn't function.

    If I close and re-open EZD it complains that it can't open the audio device.

    Support is looking into it now... I sent them some screenshots and let them know that it works in PT as a plug-in with PT using the DL32R as the audio interface.
    They told me they were going to check with a beta tester to see if there were any known issues.
    Max Haze
    Max Haze
    Ok it sounds like you have the best help you can get then...
    hey thanks for the help. i see you're in vacaville im up here in santa rosa. i also collect ibanez 540's 470s. Good to meet another S series lover.
    Awesome! I also have a Proline PL1770 that I swapped the neck and pickups on (Wizard neck, IBZUSA pickups) as well as a Roadstar RS440 "project" I built from parts with the same neck/pickup combo.

    Recently I've mostly been playing an 87 Radius R540 that I stripped and repainted (metallic tangerine!) That has chrome hardware and a maple Wizard neck...
    Ya someday ill get my hands on an original skolnick 540p but they're always expensive when i find them. I just build a 540 blue quilt top a few months ago need some dimarzios for them though the stock ones always sound so weak.
    The Skolnick never really appealed to me... I would like to get a 540 Power (like Satch was holding on the Not of this Earth cover), but the one I really want is the 540T (aka, Turbot)... It's like a Tele version of the Sabre... Very hard to find... There is also the 580B (Ballback), which is similar.
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