Layout Inc/Dec ?


Is there a way to setup an FC button to move from layout 1 to layout 2 to layout 3 etc with successive taps?

I want to to setup a stand in switch for layout + and another for layout - to be able to scroll between scenes and effects layouts on the FC-6 and free up some FC buttons in doing so.
If you don’t strictly need a stand-in for this, it’s easy to set up a switch on Layout 2 that will take you to Layout 3, etc. But if it needs to be a stand-in switch, then...what @BryantP said.
Yeah, this wasn't needed until Stand-In switches came about. Now it makes total sense and will be a great combination with them.
Also if the range can be limited, so for example you could roll between 3 layouts for say Presets/Scenes/Effects, etc. Thanks M@!
There is a wishlist thread to display the layout number as an option. It would go well with this feature.

Danny W.
I have the FC-6 setup to adjust presets up/down, scenes up/down and now layouts up/down, while keeping the FC-12 in a consistent view. Since layout up/down changes the current FC, that’s a little less of what I’d be looking for. In a future release, would it be possible to have the up/down layout function linked via Layout Links, so that the FC-12 actually changes layouts, like how we normally use Layout Links, but a little more dynamic than just choosing a specific layout?

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