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  • Bdrepko I am new to this forum and just got a fractal axe fx2 xl and I saw a post of yours about a year ago saying you used a decibal 11 switch dr to change preset and use pedals for the loop can you explain more on how you have this setup? Thank you
    I just used the decibel 11 as a midi controller. The pedals we used strictly with the loops in the decibel 11. It has 4 loops I believe.
    Bdrepko, I live in Peoria. Hope all is well. Do you play out locally and if so with who? I play on the northwest side with a band called Radio X.
    I play in a band called Rock Steady. This used to be a previous incarnation of Radio X wasnt it? I am quitting that band though. I am currently filling in with a 80's arena rock band called Bench Warrant. I still have 2 shows left with Rock Steady. One at CK's in Ahwatukee and the other at Tailgators in Glenndale.
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