Announcing the New FM9 Amp Modeler/FX Processor

Carter - What a simple, clear and effective product demo! The tone/patch in the second half of your video with that little bit of feedback at the end is Gorgeous....

play THAT to that 'modellers are too harsh and digital' crowd.... Well done sir! Or to Cliff and the thinking that went into that 'effect'

Is this a factory patch? Wow!
Thank you. More or less a factory patch yes. I made a few adjustments to the Petrucci Rig preset for the JP20.
That's what I have currently. I think it would be a great time to buy a 2nd FM3.
yes, and more crucially, if there can be a slick way to truly connect (via Faslink perhaps, beyond the more obvious routing options ) one’s FM9 to FM3, now there will potentially be the TRUE “killer app” (what I believe @Admin M@ and his cronies called the AX8 /FX8 combo back in ye Olde Days……)
@FractalAudio some things to fix on the website I belive: in the website comparison page it say that it has "In 2: Stereo XLR" and in the Learn More row the link is ok but it says "FM3".
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