5153 50W Blue - Red?

Is there a reason the Red Channel on the 5153 wasn't modeled? Is it really identical to the 100w? Or, are there adjustments I can make to the parameters on the 100w model to get to the 50w, such as adjusting the input trim? If so, how much of an adjustment?
Yeah, it's identical, just turn up the input trim.

The 50W version has a different input network than the 100W version for that channel. The 50W version has about twice the gain as a result. Otherwise things are pretty similar. You can simulate this using the Input Trim knob.
As for how much, sorry to give the standard answer, but it applies more here than ever....... Use your ears, not your eyes. Input trim is a flat gain increase, so it's really only to taste - it's not going to change the tone terribly much.
Is there a reason the Red Channel on the 5153 wasn't modeled? Is it really identical to the 100w? Or, are there adjustments I can make to the parameters on the 100w model to get to the 50w, such as adjusting the input trim? If so, how much of an adjustment?

The red channels are identical.
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